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  • Ald. Pawar Announces $115,000 in Menu Funding for Lakeview Low-Line!

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    We have an exciting funding announcement to share for the next phase of the Lakeview Low-Line! This is from Ald. Pawar's April 18, 2019, newsletter:
    Dear Neighbor,

    My office is pleased to announce that the park project for Phase 2 of the Lakeview Low-Line will be performed this year using $115,000 in Aldermanic Menu funds. Located on the parcels adjacent to the CTA elevated Brown Line tracks on the west side of Marshfield (north of Roscoe), construction is scheduled to commence in May be completed in July.

    The Lakeview Low-Line re-envisions the half-mile space beneath the ‘L’ between the Southport and Paulina Brown Line stations as an exciting art destination and a fun and dynamic path. To activate this underutilized space, mural walls along the walkway will play host to rotating art exhibits and an interactive light installation along the length of the path will playfully celebrate the train. The new greenspace and plazas will beautify the neighborhood and provide opportunities for programming. As a unique linear attraction, the Lakeview Low-Line has the potential to become a landmark attracting attention to the Lakeview neighborhood and the City of Chicago while encouraging visitors and residents to explore the local business districts along Southport and Lincoln.

    The plaza projects at Paulina and Southport were completed as part of Phase 1 to provide new public art and seating as well as expanded space for the Low-Line Farmers Market. Currently, the community is planning and fundraising for Phase 2 to provide a pathway connecting Paulina to Ashland, which will include additional art, creative lighting, and the park. I want to thank the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce, Friends of Lakeview, all of the donors, PORT Urbanism, and Chicago Transit Authority for their continued work on the Lakeview Low-Line project. For more info, see here.

    Have a great weekend!

    Make a contribution to help us meet the rest of our fundraising needs here: www.lakeviewlowline.com.