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  • Laura B. Folkes, Certified Holistic Health Coach

    • Holistic Health/Wellness Centers
    1821 W. Belmont Ave
    Chicago, IL 60657
    (312) 373-9275
    8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Monday through Friday

    About Us

    As a certified holistic health coach, Laura has supported over 120 clients who know what they should be eating but have a hard time sticking to it to transform their relationship with food. It’s read more
    • About

      As a certified holistic health coach, Laura has supported over 120 clients who know what they should be eating but have a hard time sticking to it to transform their relationship with food. It’s Laura's mission to help you discover what is holding you back and keeping you stuck in the cycle of dieting and losing willpower.

      Together, you will go beyond weight loss support and accountability coaching and get to the root of why you’re able to be “good” most of the time but end up falling off track. It’s not because you just love ice cream too much. Throughout the process you will make small, sustainable changes without deprivation. You won't need to resist food. You'll no longer be tempted by it!

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    • Member To Member Deals

      Save $50 on an "Unscramble Your Food Struggle Session"
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